Go givers and so much value with tons of awesome investors that I dont always see often. It's so cool to see and talk with people! Thanks for brining the community together, you might not know the impact it really has!
Thank you Tristyn and Kamohai for todays meetup. I learned to be ok with being uncomfortable and awkward by putting myself in the place where Im the least knowledgeable and having to introduce myself to new people lol. It was a great first experience and truly a safe place for new investors. Everyone is so open and willing to connect.
-New Investor
Finally got to meet some of the most inspirational players in Hawaii as well as connect with a lot of solid people I've met previously and lots of new folks. Good times had by all and lots of great takeaways.
- Forrest
"Make a friend, change the world!"

Learn, connect, and grow your Real Estate knowledge from seasoned and experienced investors.
These will be 2 hour paid events where a high level speaker shares on one subject matter related to real estate, investing, financial education, mindset and more.
Network one evening a quarter in a nice venue, have some dinner, and bring your notebook!
These deep dives will leave you with inspired, motivated, and more knowledgeable in order for you to take action! These events are held once a quarter.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Hawaii's Monthly Real Estate Meetup for all seasoned and aspiring Real Estate professionals! Join us every month as we feature a local investor's project here in Hawaii.
We will discuss everything and anything you need to know about real estate investing - we share where we got the deal, how we funded the deal, plans for renovation, and what we plan to do with the deal!
This is great opportunity to network, ask questions, and bring value! The only requirement is for you to bring your Aloha & an abundance mindset.
Send us an email to dealsandalohapodcast@gmail.com to be featured at the next meetup!
Are you a business owner/entreprenuear and want to share your story and business? We want to feature you! Are you a real estate investor or realtor or just in the real estate industry? We want to share your story!
Founders of Deals and Aloha - Kamohai and Tristyn Kalama are hosts fix and flip tv show on HGTV! Renovation Aloha showcases 8 of their projects, their business, and their family. You will see Deals and Aloha all over the TV screen!
Watch all new episodes on Tuesdays at 9pm central or 7pm Hawaii time anywhere you watch HGTV!